
How to use excel solver function
How to use excel solver function

how to use excel solver function

Solver converged in probability to a global solution.Īll variables must have both upper and lower bounds. Stop chosen when the maximum number of feasible subproblems was reached. Stop chosen when the maximum number of feasible solutions was reached. Solver found an integer solution within tolerance. Please verify that all cells and constraints are valid. There is not enough memory available to solve the problem.Įrror in model. Stop chosen when the maximum time limit was reached. Solver encountered an error value in a target or constraint cell. The problem is too large for Solver to handle.

how to use excel solver function

The linearity conditions required by this LP Solver are not satisfied. Solver could not find a feasible solution.

how to use excel solver function

The Objective Cell values don't converge. Stop chosen when the maximum iteration limit was reached. Solver cannot improve the current solution. Solver has converged to the current solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied. Otherwise the Solver runs, and SolverSolve returns an integer value corresponding to the message that appears in the Solver Results dialog box: Return Value If a Solver problem has not been completely defined, SolverSolve returns the #N/A error value. However, it should not alter the values in the variable cells, or alter the formulas in the objective and constraint cells, as this could adversely affect the solution process.


The macro function must return 1 if Solver should stop (same as the Stop button in the Show Trial Solution dialog box), or 0 if Solver should continue running (same as the Continue button).The ShowRef macro can inspect the current solution values on the worksheet, or take other actions such as saving or charting the intermediate values. The argument Reason is an integer value from 1 to 5:įunction called (on every iteration) because the Show Iteration Results box in the Solver Options dialog box was checked, or function called because the user pressed ESC to interrupt the Solver.įunction called because the Max Time limit in the Solver Options dialog box was exceeded.įunction called because the Iterations limit in the Solver Options dialog box was exceeded.įunction called because the Maximum Subproblems limit in the Solver Options dialog box was exceeded.įunction called because the Maximum Feasible Solutions limit in the Solver Options dialog box was exceeded. This macro is then called, in lieu of displaying the Show Trial Solution dialog box, whenever Solver pauses for any of the reasons listed below.The ShowRef macro must have the signature Function name (Reason As Integer). You can pass the name of a macro (as a string) as the ShowRef argument. False or omitted to return the results and display the Solver Results dialog box.

how to use excel solver function

True to return the results without displaying the Solver Results dialog box. If Solver does not appear under Available References, click Browse, and then open Solver.xlam in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Library\SOLVER subfolder. In the Visual Basic Editor, with a module active, click References on the Tools menu, and then select Solver under Available References. After the Solver add-in is installed, you must establish a reference to the Solver add-in.


For information about how to do that, see Using the Solver VBA Functions. Before you can use this function, you must have the Solver add-in enabled and installed. Note The Solver add-in is not enabled by default. Equivalent to clicking Solve in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

How to use excel solver function